Thursday, May 31, 2012



     During the great Industrial Revolution of the 1800’s, human development soared to magnificent heights.  Suddenly machines began spitting out vast amounts of intoxicating smoke to decorate our skies and spinning metal gears ripped fingers off low-paid workers to aid the human race in efficiency and ease.  These were considered modern times as farmers gravitated to the cities in vast numbers.  For society, this was the future, and the inventions that surrounded it have made human lives more productive ever since.

     Alexander Graham Bell…Thomas Edison…The Wright Brothers…Henry Ford… This was just a small smattering of names that suddenly caused time to blast forward at an alarming pace.  And it all happened in the Nineteenth Century.  Oh sure, there were inventors in times past (remember the wheel?) but they were few and far between.  Along with airplanes, elevators, light bulbs and miraculous modes of communication, came fits of hysteria, paranoia, and strange new medical terms such as *“Railway Brain” and *“Railway Spine.”  With the notion that their pocket watches could instantly stop if they crossed under an electric street lamp, the common human was terrified.  There was too much movement and, for some folks, it was simply too fast.

     Akin to their human counterparts, Dog Society and Dog Culture also saw spurts of amazing growth during this feisty era.  Inventor dogs were the bark of the town around the community water bowl and the city fire hydrants.  Because of a lack of resources available to canine inventors, (such as electricity and proper research laboratories), dogs tended to use a lot of sticks and found objects for their ingenious creations.  One such invention seems to have turned the world of dogs upside down on their ears!  A dog, by the name of Buggwugg in Tennessee, noticed his master’s boot one fine afternoon.  As it eminated an intoxicatingly stinky and sweaty smell, Buggwugg grabbed it by the laces and hurled it across the room.  The leather was tasty to chew and Buggwugg could hide it almost anywhere in the house to his master’s dismay.  Buggwagg invented a grand toy!  And like electricity, the concept of a boot as a toy zipped across the world of dogs at an amazing speed.

     Another powerful invention, a stick, was noted by scientists and animal behavioralists as the most popular dog toy invention of all times.  Believe it or not, dogs didn’t figure out the fabulousness of the stick until the 1800’s.  Occasionally a dog would chase a stick in the past, but it wasn’t until the Nineteenth Century that a dog named Bully trotted proudly with a stick in his mouth to the patent office in Washington, D.C. and demanded a patent for his new invention.  The barking was too much to take and Bully bullied his way into world fame on April 18, 1885.

     Soon earth-shattering inventions followed: a sock, a pinecone, a stuffed animal with the eyes ripped out, dirty underwear…  The list of joyful joys was incredible!  Okay, all these inventions were apparently toys, but we must give these crafty dogs credit where credit is due.  Most human inventions were aimed at work.  Dog inventions were aimed at play.  And this insured canines everywhere from having grotesque fits of melancholia and hysteria.  Dogs may have been sent to the doghouse from time to time—but they sure weren’t ever sent to the sanitarium!

*What were Railway Brain and Railway Spine?  Funny you should ask.  These two curious conditions were legalized ailments, which could be brought to court against a city’s commuter train companies in the 1800’s.  Basically, they were a headache and a backache!  Victorian people, who began using the new commuter trains of the Guided Age, feared their brains were shaking around violently in their heads by the speed of the trains.  (Oddly, no one seemed to think riding a horse would cause the same problem.)  And the concept of stress, or Freud’s famous anxiety disorders, simply hadn’t been invented yet.                 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Q: Casey, do you like your nutritious, delicious dog food?

CASEY: What's all this crap about puttin' baked apple in dog food?  I saw the commercial on TV.  Who are they trying to fool?  I love meat!  I don't want gourmet.  I LOVE MEAT!!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012


Dear Poop Editor,
I read your last article about dogs piloting flying saucers in the future.  This news is very interesting to me.  I would like to have my head frozen in a Cryogenics lab so I can come back to life in the future and fly these marvelous, marvelous saucer spacecrafts. (The picture in the article is very technical-looking and convincing to me.) I am only a Brussels Griffon mix but I think I could pilot as well as a Sheepdog or a Schnauzer.
P.S. I would like my head sewn onto the body of a Doberman Pinscher when my head is defrosted. Do they do this in a microwave?
Dear Banana,
Where did you get this crazy information about Cryogenics?  I live with you and I thought I knew you!  How are you writing this to me?  Are you getting on my computer when I'm at work?
Wags and Wiggles,
The Poop Editor
Dear Poop Editor,
I will not listen to a word you say for I am an Educational Dog. Now I must look up Cryogenics.

Sunday, May 27, 2012



     There is much debate among scientists today on whether or not dogs are capable of flying spacecraft in the future.  No really, there is!  In 1957 the Soviet Union made a grave mistake in sending Laika, a small mongrel stray, in one of their Sputnik satellites to orbit the Earth.  She did not come back alive.  Then the US got on board with a bunch of chimps and monkeys (and I think some mice) because they didn’t want to let the Soviets beat them to the punch.  Disastrous results occurred, though a few of these brave and terrified creatures survived.  (Those particular monkeys who did return probably sucked down anti-depressants for the rest of their lives.)  If we humans wanted to get into space so bad, we should’ve just tested it out on ourselves to start with.  Isn’t that what the thrill of space discovery is all about?  But, as modern animals increase in intelligence, the debate still goes on.

     Now there was one flying dog of the Twentieth Century that defied all logic and baffled even the most fit scientific minds: Snoopy.  We all know that Snoopy (apparently, a beagle) flew around the sky on top of his very own doghouse to fight the dastardly Red Baron.  This leaves many unanswered questions here.  His doghouse appeared to have absolutely no wings, no propeller, no visible controls in the cockpit, and no wheels.  How did Snoopy pilot this thing?  Could this have made Snoopy some sort of extraterrestrial?  And what of that invisible Red Baron?  Was this notorious criminal only a delusion in this famous beagle’s mind or was this German villain just another space alien flying in orbit amongst us Earthlings?  And what would happen if both of them crossed over the Bermuda Triangle?  Was Snoopy part of some intergalactic mission to ignite World Peace…or was he just sent here to drive Charlie Brown crazy?  These important questions could go unanswered for all of eternity.

     With the exception of Snoopy, zoologists have not discovered any other modern canines interested in the aviation sciences.  Watch out for the future!  As we accelerate forward in time, we will find out that dogs are just nuts about outer space!  Dogs will grow bigger brains and opposing thumbs around the year 3088.  During this century, humans will also grow massive brains (and somewhat ugly heads) and begin to construct state-of-the-art spacecraft that will just be outta this world.  No really, these spacecraft saucers will be advanced enough to propel themselves out of our solar system with the greatest of ease.  And this is where dogs will really show their true talents—in piloting the new saucers. 

     Currently, some dogs enjoy riding in cars, but who knew they would eventually fly spacecraft that can move at the speed of light…and not bump into anything?  Around this time period, dogs will also have the ability to speak to humans through the power of ESP, (Extra Sensory Perception), so there will be no problem when landing a saucer in heavy traffic zones.  Apparently, Schnauzers and Sheepdogs will become the most adept at piloting these phenomenal flying machines.  Scientists and scholars will end up deducing that these particular dog breeds are the super pilots of the canine world because Schnauzer, Sheepdog, and spacecraft all start with the letter “S.”  Humans, at this time, will still have problems with over consumption of alcohol, but since we all know dogs don’t drink and drive, we will be able to trust dogs to take us out into space to go places and see things we’ve never even imagined…and to boldly go where no man...or dog has gone before!

Friday, May 25, 2012


Q: Teacup, do you like your dog food?


Q: Do you like your cheese grated or cubed?


Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Dear Poop Editor,
I am quite interested in the fact that you seem to know such fascinating information about the past, present, and future of dogs.  Being that you are a human, this is very interesting.  I am an educational dog.  I believe dogs should learn to read and write and know more about Dog Society and Dog Culture.  I am excited to watch and discuss the Surrealist dog film: Bark Bark un Bark, with other educational dogs who are my friends.  Thank you for your inspiring articles.  I will like to read more in the future. I must now chew on a rawhide.  
Grrrrroooowl (in a loving and educational way), 
Dear Banana,
Hey, aren't you my dog?  Since when did you become "educational?"
Wags and Wiggles,
The Poop Editor

Sunday, May 20, 2012



     It is a little known fact that dogs love and remotely understand avant-garde, abstract art.  Yes, it’s quite true!  And since it is believed that dogs are somewhat colorblind, what could be better than for dogs to create and explore conceptual art cinema?  Basically it’s all black and white.  Color film just doesn’t cut it.  And dogs know that.

     It is also not a widely known fact that dogs have the ability to operate motion picture cameras—but they do.  If dogs, like Benji and Lassie, can act in films, why shouldn’t they know how to operate cameras or direct the films themselves?  It really is a no-brainer.  Dogs may not be able to construct the actual movie cameras (due to having dewclaws instead of opposing thumbs) but we all know dogs are experts at stealing things and burying them, even machinery. Art Historians have uncovered a remarkable number of movie cameras hidden in dirt-filled holes by enthusiastic, artsy canines. Obviously, gophers didn’t do this.  Secret Dog Society and Dog Culture tells us that dogs have been on the cutting-edge of creating concept-based cinema for years.  Of course, this obsession in artistic canine filmmaking started with mimicking us humans… 

     Inspired by human filmmaking techniques in the 1920’s, Art Historians and Animal Behavioralists believe that art-hungry dogs began to notice cinema by sneaking into darkened cafes’ to view the most outrageous and inventive movies of the day.  A canine favorite, Un Chien Andalou (translated to English as: An Andalusian Dog) was a Surrealist project by Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali. One would assume American dogs from Hollywood would be the earliest to explore the act of filmmaking, but European dogs were the first to be exposed to the cinematic process.  Hollywood dogs were rarely able to sneak into the grand theaters of the day and really did not understand narrative stories very well, so European Surrealist and Dadaist films were a perfect fit for them.  Plus, the loose, easy-going bohemian French culture made it possible for these dogs to obtain the artistic experience and edge they needed to create art.

     One such Surrealistic dog film of note, by director Fido’ Chevalier, was a black and white silent masterpiece titled: Bark Bark un Bark.  The bizarre, unearthly plot centered around several Brussels Griffons and Chinese Cresteds doing somersaults upon their own food and rubbing their small heads in water.  Dogs of the 1920’s would discuss the technique and concept of this film for years. 

     By the 1960’s, the art world was buzzing with excitement for humans—and dogs!  Paris (with it’s New Wave Cinema) was not the only place on earth to enjoy black and white, somewhat grainy, oddly edited art films.  There were many dog filmmakers exploding on the art scene in New York.  One Andy Warholesque director, Barkentine, shot literally twelve hours of a beagle sniffing a stinky spot in the grass.  And like Andy, this canine director believed filmmaking was at it’s best when the director pushed the “go” button on the camera and just simply  walked away.  No editing.  Barkentine’s film, Sniff, would be all the rage in underground movie houses for dogs that were popping up all over Brooklyn and Manhattan. (These experimental movie houses were generally found in junkyards or around fire hydrants.)

     Art Historians and Animal Behavioralists are grateful today to have uncovered so many secret art films made exclusively by dogs.  Though humans created this genre in the beginning, their loyal, if not somewhat sneaky, dogs followed their trend in developing a remarkable and inspirational collection of conceptual black and white cinematic treasures.  So what if movie cameras went missing?  We can now simply dust the dirt off their lenses and embrace the filmmaking art dogs of the Twentieth Century…because every dog needs their fifteen minutes of fame!     

Sunday, May 13, 2012



     In the future things start to get strange.  Around the time period where our earth is so polluted that we humans take to living under big glass domes with filtered air, some smart dogs begin to grow mechanical fins and go back to the water from whence they came.  Sort of like a platypus—but not.  This is living proof of the Theory of Evolution and dogs seem to adapt much better than their human counterparts.

     To paint a better picture of this mess, let me first describe the situation we humans will get ourselves into.  In the future, before we successfully colonize the Moon, Mars and Jupiter, our ozone layer will become completely destroyed and our grotesquely cluttered air will basically become our new ozone layer, because it’s really, really dirty!  Oh yes, we will have a few conveniences, like being transported from one place to another on movable sidewalks, food pills, conversing with friends and family in holographic form, and those big glass domes will definitely protect us from the dangerous laser beams shot out of evil-minded alien spacecrafts.  (Those would probably be from the “Grays,” not the “Clears.”) 

     You see, in this future time, we will have run out of electricity and other invisible energy sources that I don’t understand. The amateur human mindset will just sort of revert backwards, since most of our scientists will have choked to death on the bad air.  These humans will say, “To hell with creating solutions!  Let’s just go back to burning coal.  We did it before and we can do it again.  Coal is good for us.  It makes our teeth all charcoaly.”  Yes, it is sad to hear but this will be the kind of future thinking process that will create dark, creepy skies.  I don’t readily know what century this would be, but these are the bleak times, my friends.

     Dogs don’t really understand our behavior, (past, present or future), so some of them will adapt to the oceans just to get away from us.  These dogs will propel themselves through the waters with shiny metal fins, grown from their soft, furry bodies.  Unfortunately for them, they will have to surface to visit the glass domes, every now and then, to lubricate their fins with natural substances like vegetable and olive oils.  They will not only have formed spouts upon their heads to breath like the whales (an extinct creature by this point) but they will all have submarine-like periscopes on their heads that rotate 360 degrees to see above the surface of the water. 

     Diet wise, these advanced canines exist on protons, neutrons, electrons, and krill.  Their lives will not be entirely hassle-free, as they will have to battle the mighty octopus and the giant squid.  It may be tricky to bark under water to frighten an opponent, but through the adaptation process of evolution, these future water dogs will do it—and do it menacingly!  Life will not be all fraught with burden, for there will be plusses for some of these dogs too, especially Labs and Golden Retrievers.  Even Goldendoodles.  They love water—and they will also love water in the future.  What fun it will be to spend the entire day retrieving sea stars and clams…and throwing them out into the depths…and retrieving them back again…and throwing them… 

     So you see, the future will bring us humans and dogs many lessons in life.  Though it is best to learn from history, (as is often repeats itself), we can just learn again about our mistakes—in a different time period.  And history is also cyclical, so there will be a time in the future that will be happy and carefree, where we will create new synthetic air and enjoy breathing again.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Dear Poop Editer,
I am so proud that other dogs addmit to pooping.  Wiggles is my hero!  I love to poop too!  My owwner gets shy when I poop, but my instinks tell me he alsow poops---IN THE HOUSE! 
Rover (from Minnesoda)
PS. Sorry, I am new to typping and am not so a goood speller yet.
Dear Rover,
We want you to know that all dogs poop and have fun kicking up grass afterward.  Keep up the typing practice and you will be an expert in no time!
Wags and Wiggles,
Poop Editor

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Q: Wiggles, what do you think of pooping?

WIGGLES: I LOVE to poop!  Then I dig my hind claws into the dirt and I kick up the grass to cover it.  My legs are short but I can kick!  I can really KICK!  Hmmm...I don't know why my owner picks it up afterward.  Can't they see I already hid it?  Oooo, I love to kick!